Leon Trotsky

Leon Trotsky

Russian Marxist revolutionary

"You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you"

Quotes by Leon Trotsky

  • Independent character, like independent thought, cannot unfold without criticism.
    Leon Trotsky
  • In different eras and in different social environments, a person loves, hates, and hopes differently. Just as a tree feeds its flowers and fruits through its roots with the juices of the soil, so the individual finds nourishment for his feelings and thoughts, even if they are the “highest,” in the economic foundation of society.
    Leon Trotsky
  • We call our dialectic materialistic because it is not rooted in heaven or in the depths of our “free spirit,” but in objective reality, in nature.
    Leon Trotsky
  • The theory of natural selection teaches that the fittest wins in the struggle. This does not mean: neither the best, nor the strongest, nor the most perfect, only the fittest.
    Leon Trotsky
  • Perhaps the worst thing about the reactionary era is that it implants a reign of stupidity in the public consciousness. Unanimity without thought reigns supreme.
    Leon Trotsky